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Submission Guidelines

The Migration Initiative welcomes submissions on policy issues in the field of migration. For emerging scholars, this is an excellent opportunity to boost your academic footprint and online presence. For stakeholders and newcomers, your contributions will highlight the on-the-ground experiences that are vital for enriching research and facilitating intersectoral knowledge mobilization. We hope that these publishing opportunities can help create multi-directional flows of knowledge exchanges. Submissions can be in the form of knowledge translation pieces, research summaries, opinion pieces, personal narratives, audio/visual projects, and more. 

The first step is to pitch your idea for a submission. Please submit using the form below:




The pitch includes:

  1. Your policy issue (topic) in 100-150 words

  2. Whether you are an emerging scholar, practitioner/service provider, newcomer or policy-maker

  3. The cluster you wish to publish your work in (please see our research clusters page for more information on scope)


A managing editor will invite you to submit your piece once it is accepted. Once your work is submitted, it will go through a peer-review process. Please refer to the publishing process page for more information. We will be in touch should edits be required. You will be informed once your work has been published. 


We look forward to your enriching of our blog and migration studies!



Submission Requirements:

  1. Between 700-1000 words in length. 

  2. Written in clear, concise, and accessible language. Keep in mind that our audience ranges from emerging scholars (MA/PhD students) and academics to practitioners, policy-makers, newcomers, and the general public. 

  3. Hyperlink citations in text. See blog sample here.

  4. Include line numbers. 

  5. Include a title and 1-2 lines that summarize what your piece is about. 

  6. Include a photo related to the theme of your topic. This will appear on our website as a cover photo          and on our social media.

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